Contact Information
405 Loomis Lab, MC-704
1110 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor - Physics
Professor - Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
External Links
Highlighted Publications
Journal Articles
Lamb, Frederick. "Boost-phase defense against intercontinental ballistic missiles." Physics Today, vol. 57, no. 1, 2004, p. 30-35.
Lamb, Frederick. "Changing frequency separation of kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations in the sonic-point beat-frequency model." Astrophysical Journal, vol. 554, no. 2, 2001, p. 1210-1215.
Lamb, Frederick. "Properties of r modes in rotating magnetic neutron stars. I. Kinematic secular effects and magnetic evolution equations." Physical Review D, vol. 6410, no. 10, 2001.
Lamb, Frederick. "Properties of r modes in rotating magnetic neutron stars. II. Evolution of the r modes and stellar magnetic field." Physical Review D, vol. 6410, no. 10, 2001.