Contact Information
427 Loomis Lab, MC-704
1110 W Green
Urbana, IL 61801
Research Interests
Particle Physics, Dark Matter, Dark Energy
Research Description
I used to do particle physics research, studying the properties of quarks. I was involved in experiments at Stanford, Fermilab, Cornell, and Brookhaven. Since 2002, I have shifted my focus to observational cosmology. I have been helping to build cameras for the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). My primary science interests are the properties of the dark matter and dark energy. I also hope to use measurements of the large scale structure to constrain (and possibly measure) the neutrino mass.
PhD, Physics, Columbia, 1972
Awards and Honors
Fellow of the American Physical Society
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor - Physics