This is a list of PhD graduates of the Astronomy program at the University of Illinois. We try to keep this list up-to-date, but it is inevitable that some of the information listed below will be out-of-date. If you are a graduate of the program and your information is missing/inaccurate, please contact the department webmaster, Rebecca Bare at
Cail Daley | December 2024 | Post Doc, France | Post Doc, France | Holder |
Frankie Encalada | December 2024 | Researcher, UIUC | Researcher, UIUC | Looney |
Melanie Archipley | August 2024 | Associate KICP Fellow and Postdoctoral Scholar, Calgary, Alberta | Associate KICP Fellow and Postdoctoral Scholar, Calgary, Alberta | Vieira |
Kedar Phadke | August 2024 | Post Doc UIUC | Post Doc UIUC | Vieira |
Kwok Sun Tang | May 2024 | AI Scientist specializing in LLMs, Graph Neural Networks, JP Morgan Chase, Google X | AI Scientist specializing in LLMs, Graph Neural Networks, JP Morgan Chase, Google X | Turk |
Patrick Aleo | May 2024 | Senior Data Scientist, Kansas City National Security Center | Senior Data Scientist, Kansas City National Security Center | Narayan |
Colin Burke |
August 2023 | Post Doc Yale University | Post Doc Yale University | Liu |
Yu-Ching (Tony) Chen | August 2023 | Post Doc John Hopkins University, MD | Post Doc Johns Hopkins University, MD | Liu |
Alexander Gagliano | May 2023 | Post Doc MIT & Harvard Center for Astrophysics | Post Doc MIT & Harvard Center for Astrophysics | Narayan |
Samantha Thrush | May 2023 | Data Scientist, Python Programmer, Science Educator, Destelbergen, Belgium | Data Scientist, Python Programmer, Science Educator, Destelbergen, Belgium | Kemball |
Rachel Harrison | December 2022 | Post-Doc at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia | Post-Doc at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia | Looney |
Jesse Miller | December 2022 | Post-Doc at Boston University | Post-Doc at Boston University | Fields |
Adrienne Ertel | December 2022 | Fields | ||
Sreevani Jarugula | December 2022 | Post Doc at Fermi Lab | Post Doc at Fermi Lab | Vieira |
Jennifer Li | August 2021 | Postdoc position at U of Michigan. |
NCSA Researcher |
Shen |
Patrick Mullen | August 2021 | Joint postdoctoral appointment at the IAS in Princeton, NJ and CCA in NYC | Joint postdoctoral appointment at the IAS in Princeton, NJ and CCA in NYC | Gammie |
Di Wen |
December 2020 | Postdoc at University of Groningen, Netherlands | Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen, Netherlands | Kemball |
Ko-Yun (Monica) Huang | December 2020 | Post doc, Leiden University, Netherlands | Data Engineer, AkzoNobel, Netherlands | Kemball |
Wei-Ting Liao | December 2020 | ASTRO3D postdoc in University of Melbourne, Australia | Software Engineer, Data Scientist, Roblox, Seattle, WA | Turk |
Yinghe (Celeste) Lu | August 2020 | Postdoc at Cambridge University UK | Computational Physicist | Research Software & Data Engineer, Cambridge University, UK | Ricker |
Miguel Holgado | August 2020 | Post Doc, Carnegie Mellon University | Senior Data Scientist, Tokio Marine HCC | Ricker |
Andrew Nadolski | May 2020 | Intel, Portland, OR | Intel, Portland, OR | Vieira |
Taylor Tobin | December 2019 | Post Doc at Notre Dame University | Post Doc, FEPS Research Group at University of Michigan | Kemball |
Yixian Cao | December 2018 | Post doc at
Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, France.
Post doc at
Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics, Germany
Wong |
Daniel George | December 2018 | AI Research Scientist, Google X | Vice President, AI Lead, JPMorgan Chase | Allen |
Ricky Chun Yin Chue | December 2018 | Teaching Assistant, U of I | R&D Engineer, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Dongguan, Guangdong, P.R. China | Dalal |
Xilu Wang | December 2018 | Post Doc at Notre Dame University | Associate Professor at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. | Fields |
Erin Cox | August 2018 | Post-Doc at Northwestern University | SkAI Assistant Director of Education and Outreach at Northwestern University | Looney |
Benjamin Ryan | May 2018 | Director's Postdoctoral Fellowship at Los Alamos National Laboratory | Staff Member at Los Alamos National Laboratory | Gammie |
Dominique Segura-Cox | December 2017 | Postdoctoral Researcher at Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany | Faculty Position from University of Rochester | Looney |
Susmita Adhikari | August 2017 | Post-Doc, Stanford University, KIPAC | Asst. Professor at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research | Dalal |
Manichandra Morampudi | December 2016 | Own business, India | Quazar Tech, Ltd., India | Gammie |
Brian Fry | August 2016 | Air Force | Technical Staff Member at MIT Lincoln Laboratory | Fields |
Jessica Evans | August 2016 | Visiting Lecturer, U of I | Physical Therapist, Kalamazoo, MI | Chu |
Gary Foreman | May 2016 | Data Scientist, State Farm | AI Engineer, Google Cloud, Phoenix, AZ | Ricker |
Rukmani Vijayaraghavan | August 2015 | NSF Post Doctoral Fellow at the University of Virginia |
AIP/AAAS Congressional Science Fellow, US Department of Energy, Washington, DC |
Ricker |
Rui (Jerry) Xue | August 2015 | Post Doc, Purdue University |
Software Engineer at National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Iowa |
Wong |
Matias Carrasco Kind | December 2014 | Research Scientist, NCSA | Research Scientist, NCSA | Brunner |
Yiran (Janet) Wang | December 2014 | Post Doc, NCSA | Start-up Company, Texas | Brunner |
Ian Stephens | December 2013 | Postdoc, Boston University | Assistant Professor, Worcester State University, Worcester, MA | Looney |
David Rebolledo |
December 2013 |
Postdoc, Univ of Sydney |
Astronomer at ALMA, Chile | Wong |
Kuo-Chuan Pan | August 2013 | Postdoc, Department of Physics at Basel University in Switzerland | Associate Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan | Ricker |
Nicholas Hakobian | August 2013 | Audax Health, Data Scientist | Staff Data Scientist at Rally Health | Crutcher |
Nachiketa Chakraborty | August 2013 | Postdoctoral Fellow at Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik | Lecturer in Mathematics and Data Science, Coventry University, UK | Fields |
Hotaka Shiokawa | August 2013 | Postdoc, Johns Hopkins |
Senior Data Scientist at Fidelity, Boston, MA |
Gammie |
I-Jen Lee | May 2013 | Postdoc, University of Maryland (College Park) | Consultant, Ab Initio Software | Looney |
Ki-Jeong Yim | December 2012 | Postdoc, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen | Korea Astronomy and Space Institute | Wong |
Modhurita Mitra | August 2012 | Postdoctoral Research Associate, U of I | Data Analysis Researcher , Germany | Kemball |
Brett Hayes | August 2012 | Visiting Lecturer, University of Illinois | Boost Services at Epic | Brunner |
Jana Bilikova | May 2012 | Adjunct Faculty, Santa Monica College | Chu | |
Hsin-Fang Chiang | December 2011 | Astrobiology Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii | Data Management Science Analyst and Engineer, Rubin Observatory, San Francisco, CA | Looney |
Joshua Dolence | December 2011 | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University |
Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Gammie |
Troy Hacker | December 2011 | Major, United States Air Force | Program Director at TEC Solutions | Brunner |
Nicholas Indriolo | August 2011 | Assistant Research Scientist, Johns Hopkins University | Scientist, Space Telescope Science Institute | McCall |
Amy Lien | August 2011 | Research Fellow, NASA/GSFC | Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Tampa | Fields |
Hsiang-Yi (Karen) Yang | August 2011 | Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Michigan | Assistant Professor, National Tsing Hua University | Ricker |
Paul Sutter | August 2011 | Paris Institute of Astrophysics | Center for Computational Astrophysics at the Flatiron Institute | Ricker |
Po Kin Leung | December 2010 | Postdoc at UC Santa Barbara | Senior Lecturer, Chinese University of Hong Kong | Gammie |
Jonathan Seale | December 2010 | Postdoc at Space Telescope Science Institute |
Principal Data Scientist & Big Data Architect at ATA, LLC; Washington, DC |
Looney |
Jeeseon Song | December 2010 | Postdoc at University of Michigan | High School Math and Physics Teacher, Singapore | Mohr |
Chao-Chin Yang | August 2010 | Postdoc at UC Santa Cruz | Senior Research fellow at Lund Observatory, Sweden | Ricker |
Rishi Khatri | August 2010 | Postdoc at Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India | Wandelt |
Woojin Kwon | December 2009 | Postdoc at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Staff, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute | Looney |
Xiaoyue Guan | October 2009 | Postdoc at University of Virginia | Chevron | Gammie |
Britt Lundgren | October 2009 | Postdoc at Yale University |
Associate Professor of Physics, UNC-Asheville |
Brunner |
Ashley Ross | October 2009 | Postdoc at University of Portsmouth (UK) | Research Scientist at Ohio State University | Brunner |
Zarija Lukic | October 2008 | Postdoc at Los Alamos National Lab |
Research Scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy |
Ricker |
Yu-Shao "Jerry" Shiao | October 2008 | Postdoc at ASIAA |
Joint Associate Fellow, Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, National Taiwan University |
Looney |
Shiya Wang | October 2008 | Postdoc at University of Michigan | Uranium and TENORM Lead at Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment | Looney |
Amit Pratap Singh Yadav | October 2008 | Postdoc at Harvard Center for Astrophysics | Wandelt | |
Bryan C. Dunne | May 2007 | Visiting Teaching Associate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Teaching Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Chu |
Chang-Hui Rosie Chen | May 2007 | Postdoc, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Scientific Staff, Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy | Chu |
Tijana Prodanovic | October 2006 | Research Associate, University of Novi Sad, Serbia | Professor, University of Novi Sad, Serbia | Fields |
Yun Chen | May 2006 | Research Associate, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences | Lamb | |
Douglas Friedel | December 2005 | Postdoc, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Sr. Research Programmer, NCSA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Snyder |
Paulo Cortes | December 2005 | Postdoc, Universidad de Chile, Santiago | Staff Astronomer, ALMA, Santiago, Chile | Crutcher |
Paschalis Paschos | December 2005 | Research Associate, University of California, San Diego | Sr. Computational Scientist at University of Chicago | Norman |
Vasiliki Pavlidou | October 2005 | Postdoc, University of Chicago | Professor, University of Crete | Fields |
Konstantinos Tassis | October 2005 | Postdoc, University of Chicago | Professor, University of Crete | Mouschovias |
Ian O'Dwyer | October 2005 | NRC Fellow, JPL/Caltech |
COO of Rosemont Veterinary Hospital LaCrescenta, California |
Wandelt |
Yen-Ting Lin | August 2005 | Fellow, Princeton/Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile | Associate research fellow, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica | Mohr |
Anthony Remijan | January 2004 | Postdoc, GSFC | Scientist; Manager of Observatory Scientific Support and Research, NRAO | Snyder |
Wen-Ching Lin | October 2003 | Postdoc, University of California San Diego | Machine Learning Engineer, META, CA | Norman |
Michelle Griffin | December 2003 | Language Student | Thompson | |
David Fong | May 2003 | Postdoc, Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Hawaii | Professor, Olympic College, Washington | Meixner |
Richard Frazin | May 2002 | Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge MA | Associate Research Scientist, University of Michigan | Mihalas |
Toshiya Ueta | May 2002 | Postdoc, Royal Observatory of Belgium | Associate Professor, University of Denver | Meixner |
Sean Points | October 2001 | Postdoc, Northwestern University | Scientist, NOAO/CTIO, Chile | Chu |
Shih-Ping Lai | October 2001 | Postdoc, JPL | Professor, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan | Crutcher |
Ward Manchester | May 2000 | Research Fellow, University of Michigan | Research Professor, University of Michigan | Mihalas |
Jeff Veal | May 2000 | Instructor, Southwestern College | Professor, Southwestern College | Snyder |
Sheng-Yuan Liu | January 2000 | Postdoc, California Institute of Technology |
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University |
Snyder |
Ramprasad Rao | May 1999 | Postdoc, University of Chicago |
Physicist/Astronomy at Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian |
Crutcher |
Rosa Williams | May 1999 | Postdoc, GSFC | Professor/Mead Observatory Director, Columbus State University, Georgia | Chu |
Rolaine Young Owl | May 1999 | Postdoc, UCLA | Lives in California | Thompson |
Dimitrios Psaltis | October 1998 | Postdoc, Harvard Smithsonian CfA - Fellow | Professor of Astronomy, University of Arizona | Lamb |
Vassiliki (Vicky) Kalogera | October 1997 | Postdoc, Harvard Smithsonian CfA - Fellow | Daniel I. Linzer Professor of Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University Co-Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) |
Webbink |
Lisa Norton Young | May 1997 | Postdoc, New Mexico State University - Fellow | Lecturer at UIUC | Lo |
Gregory Bryan | October 1996 | Research Associate, MIT Department of Physics | Professor, Columbia University | Norman |
Nina Yanti Miao | October 1996 | Postdoc, UIUC | CEO, Nanjing Olo Home Furnishing Co., Ltd | Snyder |
Yu Zhang | October 1996 | Postdoc, University of Rochester Medical Center | Staff Scientist, University of Rochester Medical Center | Norman |
David J. Bell | May 1996 | Support Scientist, NOAO |
IT Specialist, Tucson, Arizona Area
Yoss |
Byung-Il Jun | October 1995 | Postdoc, University of Minnesota | Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Lab | Norman |
Letizia Stanghellini | May 1995 | Tenured Astronomer, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Italy | Astronomer, Head of National Gemini Office, NOAO/Kitt Peak | Kaler |
Yi-Jehng Kuan | January 1995 | Postdoc, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Taiwan | Professor, National Taiwan Normal University | Snyder |
Raymond Plante | January 1995 | Visiting Postdoc, NCSA | National Institute of Standards and Technology; Gaithersburg, MD | Lo |
Paul D. Gensheimer | October 1994 | Postdoc, Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie | Lives in New Mexico | Snyder |
Baolian Cheng | October 1993 | Postdoc, Los Alamos National Lab | Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab | Truran |
John C. Hayes | October 1993 | Postdoc, University of Arizona | former professor at UC San Diego | Mihalas |
Bennett Link | October 1991 | Postdoc, Los Alamos National Lab | Professor, Montana State University | Baym |
Jin Wang | October 1991 | Postdoc, UIUC, Chemistry Dept. | Affiliated Professor, SUNY Stony Brook | Nanopoulos |
Grant Bazan | May 1991 | Postdoc, University of Texas |
ACC Program Manager at Los Alamos National Laboratory Santa Fe, New Mexico Area
Truran |
Dinshaw Balsara | January 1991 | Postdoc, Johns Hopkins University | Professor, Notre Dame | Norman |
James M. Stone | October 1990 | Postdoc, NCSA | Professor, Princeton University | Norman |
Gunnlaugur Bjornsson | May 1990 | Postdoc, University of Iceland | Research Scientist, University of Iceland | Truran |
Preethi Pratap | May 1990 | Postdoc, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Senior Technical Fellow/Chief Engineer at Raytheon, Boxborough, MA
Snyder |
Anurag Shankar | May 1990 | Postdoc, University of Arizona | Senior Security Analyst, Indiana University | Truran |
Michael Hjellming | October 1989 | Postdoc, Northwestern University |
SVP, Shared Operations Technology Manager, Bank of America, North Carolina |
Webbink |
Robert Loushin | October 1989 | Staff, 3M | Quality Assurance Engineer at Carestream Health, Minneapolis, MN | Webbink |
Richard Arendt | January 1989 | NRC Associateship, GSFC |
Sr Res Sci, Center for Space Science and Technology, GSFC
Dickel |
Andrew Abrahams | October 1988 | Research Associate, Cornell University | COO of Long Dream Farm, Lincoln, CA | Smarr |
Peter Barnes | October 1988 | Postdoc, CITA, University of Toronto | Associate Scientist, University of Florida | Crutcher |
Dave Hollowell | May 1988 | Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab | Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab | Iben |
Carol Neese | October 1987 | Scientist, NOAO | Scientist, Planetary Science Institute, Tucson | Yoss |
Howard Bushouse | 1986 | NRC Associateship, NASA Ames Research Center | Senior Scientific Programmer, STScI | Gallagher |
Mark Schenewerk | 1986 | Geoscientist, NOAA | National Geodetic Survey | Snyder |
Dean Sumi | 1986 | Postdoctoral Research Associate, NCSA | Principal Electrical Engineer, MITRE; California | Smarr |
Richard Shaw | 1985 | Post Doc, Lick Observatory |
Senior Archive Scientist, Space Telescope Science Institute
Kaler |
John F. Hawley | October 1984 |
Bantrell Fellow at the California Institute of Technology |
VITA Professor, Associate Dean, University of Virginia | Smarr |
Scott Kenyon | 1983 |
Post Doc, Center for Astrophysics |
Senior Scientist, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory | Webbink |
David J. Lien | 1983 | Lives in Arizona | Snyder | |
Kenneth Cosner | 1982 | Physicist at MRC | Sr. Software Developer at Citadel LLC, Chicago | Truran |
Deidre Hunter | 1982 | postdoctoral fellowship at Kitt Peak National Observatory | Astronomer, Lowell Observatory | Gallagher |
Allan Wirth | 1982 | Post Doc, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Technical Staff at MIT Lincoln Labs
Gallagher |
Philip R. Jewell | 1982 | Deputy Director, NRAO | Snyder | |
Wendee M. Brunish | 1981 | Post Doc, University of Southern California | Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab | Truran |
William I. Hartkopf | 1981 | Research Associate, Georgia State University | Scientist, US Naval Observatory, retired | Yoss |
Stephen A. Becker | 1979 | Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab | Iben | |
John Lavery | 1978 | Defense & Space Professional, San Diego | Truran | |
Richard R. Radick | 1978 | retired from NOAO, National Solar Observatory | Gallagher | |
Willis Boughton | 1977 | Adjunct IT Faculty, Harper College | Dickel | |
Sherman Kanagy | 1977 | Visiting professor, UIUC | Retired | Wyatt |
L. Drake Deming | May 1976 | Professor, University of Maryland | Olson | |
J. Richard Doughty | December 1976 | Kaler | ||
Carolyn Lowrey Matthews | August 1975 | Lives in CA | Kaler | |
Bert W. Rust | December 1974 | Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Scientist, NIST | Olson |
Joseph Degioanni | August 1973 | Resident in Space Medicine, Ohio State University Medical School | CEO, Emtel, Inc. | Dickel |
Bruno Jambor | May 1973 |
Principal Engineer, Lockheed Martin Corp., Denver, CO |
Retired. Author, resides in Colorado | Wyatt |
Anthony Willis | October 1972 | Postdoc, Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands | retired from National Research Council of Canada | Dickel |
George Nickas | June 1972 | Professor Emeritus, Hanover College | Wyatt | |
Edward W. Weis | June 1972 | Professor Emeritus, Wesleyan University | Kaler | |
Julie H. Lutz | February 1972 | University of Washington, Emerita Research Professor | Kaler | |
Marshall Faintich | June 1971 | Author, resides in Virginia | Wyatt | |
William W. Warnock | Sept. 1971 | NRC Associateship, NOAA Environmental Research Laboratory | Dickel | |
Thomas May | June 1970 | Professor Emeritus, San Diego State University | McVittie | |
Peter Melvin | June 1970 | Instructor of Physical Science, UIUC LAS Admin | Astrophysicist, Naval Research Laboratory (deceased) | McVittie |
Thomas Lutz | October 1969 | Professor, Washington State University (deceased) | Wyatt | |
Richard R. Ringenberg | October 1969 | Research Scientist, US Government | McVittie | |
Gary C. Goodman | June 1969 | Postdoc in Planetary Sciences, NASA Ames Research Center | Professor, Oxnard College (retired) | Dickel |
Michael E. Cahill | February 1969 | Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin West Bend, (deceased) | McVittie | |
Joseph W. Erkes | October 1968 | Physicist, General Electric, retired | Dickel | |
Leo V. Standeford | June 1968 | Professor, Mankato State University (deceased) | Wyatt | |
Paul D. Lee | February 1968 | Professor, Middle Tennessee State University, retired | Kaler | |
William E. Greig | October 1967 | Kaler | ||
Raymond E. White | February 1967 | Professor Emeritus, University of Arizona (deceased) | McVittie | |
Elaine Avner | January 1965 | Troy State University, Alabama | Senior Research Scientist, CERL Emerita, UIUC (deceased) | King |
John E. Geisler | January 1965 | Post Doc at MIT | University of Utah, Professor Emeritus of Meteorology (deceased) | Bowhill |
Pamela A. Gray Geisler | January 1965 | Strategic Consultant, Speaker and Author | McVittie | |
Ronald A. Schorn | January 1963 | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Professor, editor, author (deceased) | Wyatt |
Robert C. Roeder | November 1962 | Assistant Professor, Queen's University | Professor Emeritus, Southwestern University | McVittie |
Charles C. Wylie | 1922 | Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa (deceased) |