The LAS major in Computer Science + Astronomy is a flexible program for students who wish to combine a solid grounding in computer science with technical knowledge of astronomy. This blended curriculum helps develop a unique approach to problem solving and offers novel perspectives in interdisciplinary work, such as data visualization, data mining, astrophysical simulations, and image processing.
Coursework can be tailored based on the student's future plans for employment or graduate study. Students are strongly encouraged to get involved in undergraduate research, allowing them to participate in cutting-edge scholarship with internationally recognized scholars in the CS and Astronomy departments. Students who plan to pursue graduate study in astronomy or astrophysics would be well-served by also pursuing a minor in Physics.
- Degree Requirements
- Learning Outcomes
- Sample Course Plan
- Degree Planning Form (Fall 2021 or later)
- Degree Planning Form (prior to Fall 2021)
- Department of Computer Science's CS+Astronomy Page
- Graduate Success
- Academic Advising (Astronomy)
- Academic Advising (Computer Science)